Ask most men what they fear most about aging. Gaining weight? No. Bad breath? Ha. Cancer? Strong possibility. According to a study conducted by the HIS Hair Clinic based out of the U.K., it’s the frightening prospect of going bald. Well, here’s a heartbreaker gents: it’s an inevitable condition that can strike at any given moment in adulthood.

Just recently, AskMen broke down all the causes leading to male pattern baldness, an ailment that unfortunately affects most men going into the age of 35 and “accounts for more than 95% of hair loss in men.” Scary, we know. But don’t be so quick to give up hope.

Anxiety about male pattern baldness actually dates back to the Ancient Egyptian era. Reference the Ebers Papyrus, a medical text from 1550 B.C. that documented medical cures for hair loss. So in other words, remedies do exist. That’s your cue to sigh in relief.

Put down the toupee and quit trying to cover those micro-bald spots near your crown by practicing the comb over technique. Instead put your efforts into adopting some of these hair loss solutions, which dermatologists (and science) prove work.

Laser Light Therapy
In 1967, scientists reportedly experimented on shaved lab mice by zapping off their skin to determine whether lights would cause cancer. The tests only proved that the treatment stimulated hair growth. “Several low level laser therapy devices have FDA clearance and have been shown to be a safe and effective treatment,” says Dr. Sejal Shah, dermatologic surgeon and RealSelf contributor. There are a number of handheld, low-intensity lasers out on the market or at doctors offices designed to stimulate the scalp and strengthen hair follicles. Those curious to test the waters should look into giving the HairMax LaserComb or LaserCap Lasera trial run.

Note: Experts say the best candidates for low-level laser therapy are men (and women) who suffer from thinning hair or pattern baldness caused by a hereditary condition.

Avoid Hormone Supplements
We’re talking about steroids, for all you muscle heads out there. Many hormone supplements provoke androgenetic alopecia. Those that carry the highest probability of causing hair loss include: Anavar, Anadrol, Dianabol, Masteron, Primobolan, Trenbolone, and Winstrol. Granted, there is no guarantee that alopecia can transpire when taking them, but steroid use can definitely speed up the male balding process.

Watch What You Eat
Good nutrition is essential to keeping a healthy set of locks. That means rearranging your diet and taking in more natural foods with iron and vitamins. Commit yourself to ditching fatty meals such as fried foods, plus anything loaded with sugar and carbs, as they can lead to insulin resistance, which shares a connection to hair loss. Dr. Shah adds her professional insight by suggesting that men “avoid restrictive diets that result in nutritional deficiencies.”

Hair Transplant Surgery
More doctors are ditching hair plugs in favor of transplants; the reason for that is the spatial difference in hair loss. “Men are unique in that androgenetic alopecia occurs in the frontal and vertex (crown) of the scalp,” says Dr. Terrence Keaney. “This hair is susceptible to hair miniaturization, while hair on the sides and back of the scalp are not.” Treatments might run you around $5,000 to $10,000 depending on hair loss severity. It just might be time to crack open the piggybank.

FDA approved to be taken as a 1mg dose, the prescription-only drug blocks the conversion of testosterone into DHT, slowing down the hair loss process. Dermatologists indicate that those taking the pill for anywhere from three months to a year show signs of growth. It’s also recommended to continue treatment in order to maintain its effect because balding can transpire again if you stop using the medication.

Consider the Right Shampoos
Hair washing is part of the modern man’s everyday grooming ritual, though not every bottle of shampoo is formulated to keep your hair from thinning or your scalp moisturized. Scientists at the University of British Columbia discovered shampoos featuring ketoconazole, an antifungal made to remove dandruff, help reduce testosterone production in hair follicles. A Belgian study proved this right, showing that balding men who used this shampoo several times a week during a six-month span saw a “17 percent reduction in hair shedding.” Amazon has an entire section of ketoconazole shampoos available for purchase.

Cosmetic Cover-Up
As unmanly as it sounds, guys do use makeup to cover up their body impurities. Concealers for example are becoming popular amongst facial blemish groomers. And if thinning hair is the Scarlett Letter you bear, consider a hair-loss concealer from Toppik. The company’s Hair Building Fibers line is made from natural, colored Keratin protein that fills in thinning areas to create the appearance of thick-looking hair. It doesn’t clog pores or affect any scalp conditions either.

The popular hair regrowth treatment is still considered a running joke among the pop culture faithful. Yet it remains one of the most clinically proven options out there — one that you’ll be inquiring about soon enough as male pattern baldness rears its ugly head. Dr. Emily Wise suggests applying Rogaine 5% Liquid Solution to the scalp twice a day, as it “can help slow the progression of genetic loss.”

Quit Smoking
They taught us in school the many health hazards of smoking — not exactly in detail, but you’ve gotten the bigger picture over the years from seeing the gross side effects bestowed onto others. Research shows that men develop thinner hair as they age and smoking just quickens the process. Quitting at an earlier age can potentially increase your chances of growing back that mop.