Take your body from good to great with the help of EMSculpt®, an FDA-approved, non-invasive procedure that simultaneously burns fat and builds muscle in the abdomen and buttocks. EMSculpt is designed for men and women who are already fit, but who want to further enhance their appearance with extra tightening and toning.

EMSculpt uses high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy to target muscles and stimulate them. This causes strong muscle contractions that encourage the targeted muscles to undergo a remodeling of their internal structures. This in turn helps to build and strengthen the muscles, which noticeably improves muscle definition.

To get the most out of treatment, your midsection and buttocks should not have much excess fat or else the definition of your muscles will not be fully visible. Ideal candidates are those who maintain an active lifestyle and a healthy diet.

To find out more about EMSculpt or to make an appointment, give us a call today.