sculpsureSculpSure NYC for noninvasive fat reduction

Sometimes no matter how hard you try to lose weight there are just some stubborn bulges that don’t go away.  If you are ready to rid yourself of that excess fat but don’t want a surgical treatment (liposuction) there are non-surgical, non-invasive solutions.  SmarterSkin Dermatology is pleased to offer SculpSure, the newest and best available technology for non-surgical fat reduction.

What is SculpSure?

SculpSure is a laser-based fat removal system.  The laser energy is directed into those stubborn fatty areas where it heats up the fat cells.  This heating results in the destruction of a portion of the fat cells.  Your body then naturally removes the destroyed fat cells leaving the areas flatter and trimmer. The heat energy from the SculpSure also encourages collagen and elastin production, which will help the area look tighter, firmer and more youthful.

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How long is one SculpSure treatment?

The treatment time is 25 minutes per area.

How will I feel during the treatment?

Overall the treatment is very comfortable.  You feel periods of moderate heat interspersed with cooling.

Is anesthesia required for SculpSure?


What is the recovery after a SculpSure treatment?

There is minimal, if any, downtime after the treatment and you should be able to resume your normal activities immediately.

Is SculpSure safe for darker skin?

Yes, SculpSure is safe in all skin types.

How many SculpSure treatments are required?

Typically only 1 treatment is required.  Clinical trials show an average of 24% reduction in fat volume after a single treatment.  Results will vary and some individuals choose to do additional treatment for added benefit.

How quickly will I see results after one SculpSure treatment?

You can see results as early as 6 weeks after the SculpSure treatment, but it can  take up to 12 weeks.

How much does SculpSure treatment cost?

Because each treatment is tailored to the individual, the cost of a SculpSure treatment depends varies based on the number of areas being treated and the size of the areas being treated.  During your consultation, Dr. Shah will review the cost of your treatment with you.

Is SculpSure FDA-approved?


Is SculpSure the same as CoolSculpting?

Unlike CoolSculpting that uses cooling technology, SculpSure is a laser system that heats the fat cells. One SculpSure treatment takes less than half the time of one CoolSculpting treatment.  SculpSure is as effective, if not more, than CoolSculpting for fat reduction and offers the added benefit of potentially tightening the skin.

Is SculpSure the same as Liposuction?

No, SculpSure is a non-invasive laser based treatment.  Liposuction, including laser-assisted liposuction, is an invasive treatment.

It’s important to keep in mind that Liposuction and non-invasive fat removal treatments are not substitutes for a healthy lifestyle, exercise and diet.  However, if you have some stubborn areas that persist despite healthy living, SculpSure may be an ideal option for you.  To learn more about SculpSure or to schedule a consultation, call us today at 212-225-8444.